The key to having an AMAZING birth is being prepared through childbirth education, and also having labor support provided by a professionaly trained doula.
Birth Boot Camp childbirth education and doula programs are founded on some basic principles, spelled out in the Mother-Friendly Childbirth Initiative. As we formulated our curriculum, we turned to this document to help guide us.
* Our curriculum supports the belief in access to midwifery and doula care for all women. We encourage the midwifery, or physiological model, of care. We encourage women to seek out a doula to support them during their labor and birth.
* Birth Boot Camp Instructors are respectful and sensitive to beliefs, values, and customs of women and their families. We understand that we all come from different backgrounds and we honor that.
* Birth Boot Camp Instructors understand the importance of freedom of movement in labor. Our classes, instructors, and doulas are trained in a wide variety of positions and movement that can be conducive to a better birth.
Upright laboring positions often ease pain in labor.
* Birth Boot Camp Instructors supports the family with community resources. An important part of their training is requiring them to have Mother-Friendly community resources ready to share with their clients.
* Birth Boot Camp supports evidence-based care. Our childbirth education classes cover common interventions and discuss the evidence for or against them.
* As a childbirth education company, our focus is helping families achieve an amazing birth. In our childbirth classes, couples learn of a wide variety of techniques to help them throughout their labor — from relaxation to position change to partner support — that can be used before resorting to pharmaceutical pain relief medication.
* Families are encouraged to breastfeed. We have an extensive breastfeeding education by an IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) available, and it is also included in our comprehensive 10-week class. Our doulas are trained by an IBCLC in early breastfeeding needs. We strongly support, encourage, and educate our families about the benefits of breastfeeding.
Treating babies with respect is part of the Birth Boot Camp philosophy.
* Birth Boot Camp supports the WHO-UNICEF "Ten steps of the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative." We believe strongly in baby-friendly care and strive to educate and support our students and doula clients in having a wonderful postpartum and loving interaction with their newborn. This includes breastfeeding support and education.
At Birth Boot Camp, we believe that women and their families can have an amazing birth and breastfeeding experience. We know that education and support are key aspects to helping families have these great birth experiences for themselves and their children.
Birth Boot Camp childbirth education and doula programs are founded on some basic principles, spelled out in the Mother-Friendly Childbirth Initiative. As we formulated our curriculum, we turned to this document to help guide us.
* Our curriculum supports the belief in access to midwifery and doula care for all women. We encourage the midwifery, or physiological model, of care. We encourage women to seek out a doula to support them during their labor and birth.
* Birth Boot Camp Instructors are respectful and sensitive to beliefs, values, and customs of women and their families. We understand that we all come from different backgrounds and we honor that.
* Birth Boot Camp Instructors understand the importance of freedom of movement in labor. Our classes, instructors, and doulas are trained in a wide variety of positions and movement that can be conducive to a better birth.
Upright laboring positions often ease pain in labor.
* Birth Boot Camp Instructors supports the family with community resources. An important part of their training is requiring them to have Mother-Friendly community resources ready to share with their clients.
* Birth Boot Camp supports evidence-based care. Our childbirth education classes cover common interventions and discuss the evidence for or against them.
* As a childbirth education company, our focus is helping families achieve an amazing birth. In our childbirth classes, couples learn of a wide variety of techniques to help them throughout their labor — from relaxation to position change to partner support — that can be used before resorting to pharmaceutical pain relief medication.
* Families are encouraged to breastfeed. We have an extensive breastfeeding education by an IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) available, and it is also included in our comprehensive 10-week class. Our doulas are trained by an IBCLC in early breastfeeding needs. We strongly support, encourage, and educate our families about the benefits of breastfeeding.
Treating babies with respect is part of the Birth Boot Camp philosophy.
* Birth Boot Camp supports the WHO-UNICEF "Ten steps of the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative." We believe strongly in baby-friendly care and strive to educate and support our students and doula clients in having a wonderful postpartum and loving interaction with their newborn. This includes breastfeeding support and education.
At Birth Boot Camp, we believe that women and their families can have an amazing birth and breastfeeding experience. We know that education and support are key aspects to helping families have these great birth experiences for themselves and their children.
Why do i need a childbirth class?
Women have been giving birth since the beginning of time. Why do we need a class to prepare us for something our body naturally does? Many dads have this question! Unfortunately, many of our ideas about birth come from the media, which rarely presents birth in a positive even enjoyable manner. With each passing year, we become more comfortable with a rising cesarean rate. When a couple is trying to avoid interventions, medication, and a cesarean, it is crucial that they know their options and how to help themselves in the throes of labor. Birth Boot Camp gives you those tools and wants you to have fun along the way. Childbirth education is actually really good for the relationship and many couples report that they never felt closer than when they were taking a childbirth class. Your childbirth class will help you grow closer together as a couple.
Women have been giving birth since the beginning of time. Why do we need a class to prepare us for something our body naturally does? Many dads have this question! Unfortunately, many of our ideas about birth come from the media, which rarely presents birth in a positive even enjoyable manner. With each passing year, we become more comfortable with a rising cesarean rate. When a couple is trying to avoid interventions, medication, and a cesarean, it is crucial that they know their options and how to help themselves in the throes of labor. Birth Boot Camp gives you those tools and wants you to have fun along the way. Childbirth education is actually really good for the relationship and many couples report that they never felt closer than when they were taking a childbirth class. Your childbirth class will help you grow closer together as a couple.
I believe:
1. You CAN have an amazing birth and breastfeeding experience!
2. Couples can work together and grow closer through childbirth education.
3. Learning to relax both mentally, emotionally and physically is an important kill needed for an amazing birth. Practice helps!
4. Nutrition, exercise, preparation, knowledge, and support are an integrap part of having a wonderful birth experience.
5. Your support team matters! You childbirth educator and doula are an imperative part of this team.
6. A professional and trained doula can improve your birth experience.
7. Breastfeeding is the best start for you and your baby. Education is key to getting off on the right boot.
Thank you for joining me in this most incredible journey as you prepare to give birth to your baby. I am honored to be part of your story. Let's get started!
1. You CAN have an amazing birth and breastfeeding experience!
2. Couples can work together and grow closer through childbirth education.
3. Learning to relax both mentally, emotionally and physically is an important kill needed for an amazing birth. Practice helps!
4. Nutrition, exercise, preparation, knowledge, and support are an integrap part of having a wonderful birth experience.
5. Your support team matters! You childbirth educator and doula are an imperative part of this team.
6. A professional and trained doula can improve your birth experience.
7. Breastfeeding is the best start for you and your baby. Education is key to getting off on the right boot.
Thank you for joining me in this most incredible journey as you prepare to give birth to your baby. I am honored to be part of your story. Let's get started!