![]() People often ask me what the secret to an amazing birth is. It got me thinking... I could say that it is education, knowing proper nutrition or great birth positions. Those are all really important but I believe the number one thing that can make or break a birth experience is the labor support team. These people are not experiencing the birth personally but they are so important in helping and guiding a mother through her experience. Birth is a woman's job. Try and imagine trying to hike Mount Everest. You can't go and hike it tomorrow. You need training, intense training, and amazing guides. Even though you have intensely trained, you don't know the way, you need support along the trip. Birth is a woman's Mount Everest. It is physically one of the most challenging things a woman will experience in her life. Having a great support team can make her experience amazing. THE SUPPORT PERSON - Can you have just anyone? NO! This person needs to be someone you can rely on and trust deeply. Birth is one of the most intimate moments of a woman's life. - What if they have no idea what they are doing? What if they are terrified to see you in pain? This person needs to be educated. Knowing the birth process itself is so powerful. This helps mom and her partner know what is actually happening. They can see hallmark signs of the labors progression and know what comes next. Education also teaches the birth team in knowing what will help with labor pains. - Do you want your support person passing out when you need them most?! THE DOULA - Do you need a doula?? YES YES YES you do! They are the most invaluable tool you can add to your toolbox. I want to shout from the rooftops that everyone needs a doula! Think Oprah... "You get a doula, and you get a doula!!" - I will never forget the support I was given during my first birth. Our doula guided my husband and I and took our fear away. Being able to look up and see her calm, smiling face allowed me to relax and know that what was going on was good and normal. It allowed me to surrender to the process and allow my baby to be born. - They support your support person. They guide them and teach them how to give you the help you need the most. - They suggest new coping skills, comfort measures, relaxation techniques. - They can help you weigh pros and cons of unplanned events. THE CARE PROVIDER - This is one of the most important parts of your whole birth. Your care provider can make or break your experience. - What they "allow" or don't allow guides your birth. If you have a provider who doesn't agree with your hopes and goals, find someone who does! - Watch for red flags. Hearing "I'll LET you... We'll see about that..." are signs that your provider really isn't supportive of your plan. Are they laughing, mocking your wishes? Trust your intuition. You are hiring them, think about that for a minute... - Advocate for yourself and your baby. This may be the first decision you make as a parent. For more information on Birth Boot Camp and Sioux Falls Birth Services, visit www.siouxfallsbirth.com & www.birthbootcamp.com
Follow Paige @ www.facebook.com/bbcpaige Get a doula... do it here!
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I am happy and excited that my little business is growing! I decided I would share a little about myself with you all. I found a questionnaire on this blog and and tweaked it a bit. I hope you enjoy! Name // Paige Tillie, Tillie is after one of paternal great grandmother's. Age // 29 Zodiac Sign // Gemini - I grew up with my mother and sister also being Gemini's... it was wild at times! Nationality // According to Ancestry, I am 23% Eastern European (Polish, Yugoslavian/Czechoslovakian), 22% Great Britain, 18% Scandinavian, 15% Western European (German), 12% Southern European (Italian/Greek), 6% Finland/NW Russian, and 4% Irish. Many of these are a big surprise to me! Genealogy fascinates me by the way! I was either going to be a nurse or history major! Fears // Driving over bridges close to the water, losing my children and husband Favorite Holiday // Christmas, I love getting the house decorated and the way it makes me feel. It makes me remember Christmas' when I was a kid. Playing music, tricking my dad into eating a warhead every year. Going to church in my new dress. Waking up to find Santa's presents. I want to let my children experience these magical moments. A confession // I am always in my head, I overthink everything. Thankfully I have Jared to be my sounding board. Things that annoys me // Loud eaters, it literally makes me cringe. I think I have mysophonia Favorite animal // Horse for sure, I used to have one I named Bingo. They are the most gentle creatures. You have to take time and gain their trust. I always wanted a farm to have my own one day. Pets // We have two cats, Molly and Max. They were our first babies. With the cat hair though, I will never own another indoor animal. An embarrassing moment // I am really good at sticking my foot in my mouth. With age I am getting better ha... I was getting a massage for the first time in a few years. I forgot if I was supposed to get completely undressed. I went to ask and as I was opening the door, the massage therapist was on the other side opening the door. She literally jumped three feet in the air and was clenching her chest. It was horrible and I couldn't relax during the whole massage! HA Favorite store // ELEGANT MOMMY of course. Check them out. They have everything a pregnant woman/mom could need. I once went through every room in my house, my garage and both vehicles. I have something in every room! Something I fantasize about // Sleeping all night long, sleeping in in the morning... ahh to be 24 again. I work evenings and get home a little before midnight. With kids up at night and being up early in the morning I am learning to be a functioning zombie. Where I work // I am a Board Certified Psychiatric Registered Nurse. I work part time at an inpatient Behavioral Health Center and I teach Birth Boot Camp childbirth classes. Favorite band // Matchbox Twenty, Jewel, Brooks and Dunn Favorite food // My favorite food of all time is called petahe, also known as three corners, cheese buttons, pyrohy. They are Ukrainian, my mother in law's specialty. Basically they are a noodle dough, filled with a cottage cheese mixture. They are boiled then covered with fried onions in butter and sour cream. This is a Christmas eve tradition with my husbands family. We just made them last night because we were craving them! This is followed close by Crave's Tropical Poke Bowl... it is literally amazing! Favorite drink // Diet pepsi... yes I know it's not good to drink. I am trying to end my obsession. Favorite book // Still Alice by Lisa Genova Favorite Movie // The Life of David Gale, Zootopia Favorite TV shows // Parenthood, This is Us, Law and Order: SVU Things I find attractive // Being genuine, hardworking, sense of humor My idea of a perfect date // Dinner followed by the Johnny Holm Band! We were able to have this date a few months ago and it was so much fun. How many siblings do I have // I have two older sisters, an older brother and a little sister. Something I am talented at // I am really good at crocheting. I have been working on things for probably 15 years. I can make almost anything with yarn. Things I love // My family, summer nights, vacations, smores, belly laughs from my kids, the smell of my husband's cologne, finishing a good book, finishing a crochet piece Number of kids I want // Well before kids I said 4-5... now that I have two and don't get sleep I am thinking 3 eventually... Every day we change our minds. Check up with us in 5 years! Can I cook // Yes! I love to cook and bake. I wish I had a person devoted to cleaning up my mess though! Favorite Color // Well since my house, our truck (and all my past vehicles), our recliner, washer and drier are all red... I say red :) Thanks grandma Turn offs // Bad drivers, being self-centered, narcissism How I feel right now // Tired... both kids have a cold, M is teething which equates to very little sleep. I try to remember my mantra that gets me through the hard times, "This is only a phase." Someone I miss // My dad, he died ten years ago. For my sisters 21st birthday my mom and I made her a bracelet that has my dads handwriting on it. They surprised me with one as well! I love having a piece of him with me. Check out Say Anything Jewelry. That is enough about me. I would love to hear from you! If this reaches you, please comment below! Tell me something that makes you unique. Also, if you were stranded on a desert island for one year and could take two things with you, what would they be? Paige lives in South Dakota with her husband and two toddlers. She is a registered nurse and Birth Boot Camp instructor. FollowPaige at www.facebook.com/bbcpaige and www.siouxfallsbirth.com |
AuthorPaige Goldade - A Birth Boot Camp Instructor living and loving in South Dakota. She is a wife and mother of two rambunctious toddlers. She works as a childbirth educator and Board Certified Registered Nurse.Categories
April 2020